Life in London

Life in London for a not-quite-middle-aged gay Australian guy. Oh, the glamour of it all!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Here comes the water

The Evening Standard is never one to overstate a crisis......

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL – Oh dear, lucky we're in Sydney at the moment. You've got to love the London press?!?! Thank goodness for The Guardian.

Blogger Tales of the City said...

The Guardian is SOOOOOOOO depressing!

Blogger Chris said...

oh no, I love 'the guardian'. It Has a great sense of humour about it's neo-socialism. I find it has it tongue firmly planted in it's cheek. It's sad, but I really look forward to reading it, but thenI've always been a newspapaer boy.

Blogger Tales of the City said...

Well This was my newspaper pattern - Guardian or Indy Monday to Friday, Telegraph for Saturday and Times for Sunday.. that way you kind of got a balance of views. But started to find Jackie Ashley and Pollyanna Toynbee's championing of the Blair Regime just a little too much to stomach. Plus they never sell the Guardian in SW3. :-)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, well captured. I remember seeing that myself and balking at the headline. Gotta love ES headlines :)

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm confused. Do I "Prepare to Flee" or "Play Here"? If I don't "Prepare to Flee" I could drown, but if I "Play Here" and win I could buy a boat and sail away. The decision is a bit like Russian Roulette only with less bullets (and no gun). OK maybe its not like Russian Roulette at all - what do I know I'm confused I tell you.

Blogger Trunk Guy said...

Isn't that understated for them?


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