Life in London for a not-quite-middle-aged gay Australian guy. Oh, the glamour of it all!
Catch it if you can
Despite the fact we saw
'The Crucible' 2 weeks ago and are going to see 'Embers' next week, and last night we saw 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?'(8.7/10), we aren't often at the theatre. Kathleen Turner was great as Martha, even if I did have flashbacks to 'Julia & Julia' and kept remembering how long her nipples were in that film. The Guardian had an interesting interview with KT a while back, where she laments the lack of decent roles for older women in Hollywood and how that has meant she has had to focus on stage roles (and move to Europe). The play finishes this weekend.
And how angry does that woman in the photo look? Scary.
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